Monday, June 15, 2009

9 days to go.

Last week was pretty busy. Started with a climate change module at work with a professor from Memorial. We went out into the forrest and measured the depths of organic soils and got some ground and air temperatures. While out in the forests we were looking out for all of the different kinds of vegetation in the area and weather or not they are starting to bud for the season.

Saw lots of wildlife last week too. 2 moose, 3 rabbits, 5 porcupine, 2 black bear cubs and a couple partridge.

Thursday was final presentation, kind of just winged it.

Monday, June 8, 2009

xx yy

Billeting was probably the best id had out of the three families.
On saturday May 30, i think was the date, their son had a free pass for a helicopter ride. I was pretty lucky to get the chance to do that. We went from goose bay and circled over top of sheshatshui. Pretty cool to see the landscape from above with the trees, river etc.
After the copter ride, Jack had called a friend who was in the sky on his plane and told Jack to meet him at a lake nearby where the plane was sitting in the water. So he and his son went for a ride around the area and then landed back on the water. He was low on fuel and had to head back to the airport so for the ride back to the airport he took along myslef and the other son. It was neat taking off from the water then landing on land.

After billeting i was house manager with phil. We made some good meals, my favorite being the pizzaghetti and the veggie burgers. Ill have to learn how to make the veggie burgers for at home.
Not too exciting week just regular i guess.
We were suppose to be prepared for our camping excursion which eventually was cancelled due to the Charles J Treatment centre. A little disapointing but we made up for it.
We called up the Goose Bay group and invited them for a trip to Muskrat falls with us which was alot of fun.
This day was probably the first day where I was actually hot and felt comfortable with shorts and T shirt. June 6! The hike to the falls was a bit muddy but definitly worth the walk. We had a picnic afterwards and just hung out for a bit before venturing off and stopping at 'Scenic Waterfalls' on the road home to NWR.
I feel like Ill always remember Labrador by the rushing waters. We have seen multiple spots containing rapids, and I have the pictures to show it!

June 6 was also the day I discovered my first geocache! along with the group of course. It was pretty exciting especially since we just stumbled upon it. I wrote it down in my book and will log it when I get the chance. I logged it online under my 'katimavik' account on

Well that was my exciting weekend!

This week at work we are doing a climate change module which is actually really exciting for me. I feel it will be the only thing I can take and learn from my work experience at the Environment Office in sheshatshui. A professor by the name of John Jacobs from Memorial University in St.Johns is giving the presentation where we will be going out into the fields to monitor a few things.
Today I learned that Labrador tea, when boiled(not steeped) can release poisons and cause you to be sick and possibly contain halucinogens. I would like to get some labrador tea to bring home for mom.
This evening, Vals friend Juliana Coffey came over for supper. She seemed really cool, she is a fisheries biologist who does different things with animals. She will be putting tags on seals up north soon. Such a cool job that Id love to have.

15 days left. coming down to the wire. Final presentation this week. CIP this weekend.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


So i had a few pieces of chicken on Friday may 22

We were at Pizza Delight and ordered the buffet. Turns out they dont serve veggie pizzas at the buffet. So i resorted to having a chicken pasta.

This is just to keep track of the last time i ate meat.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Don't count the days, make them count.

3 weeks left of work.
Its going by pretty damn fast.

Im in billeting right now with a really cool family, Jack and Rena Penashue. Along with their kids Cree and baby Jack, we went out on churchill road to a place called Gull Island for a picnic on Sunday afternoon, The kids were riding their dirtbikes and ATVs. Jack brought his .22 and we were shooting it around, he was surprised that the prairie boy had a good shot. Despite the rain, it actually wasnt too bad.

The family im staying with his headed to St Johns from wednesday till saturday. Leaving me alone at the house, it will be nice to relax. NHL playoffs are on right now, hopefully the finals will start before he end of the week. At the house they have a nice satellite tv, i have a computer beside my bed which is pretty big and they give me access to any food in the house. Excellent coffee as well.

Last weekend we visited Churchill Falls! leaving at 7am saturday morning we hit the gravel road and drove for about 4 hours to the town. The road is really nice and scenic on the way, one section of the road has beautiful tall birch trees. When we arrived to the town we had no idea where to go, we needed to get to the fire and security building to pick up keys for the ski lodge we would stay at. My contact there failed to leave keys, but fortunately the guys there let us in.

We had alot of room to sleep and cook and I would say its a pretty comfortable place to fit 17 of us. Behind the lodge there was a hiking trail we were told about! Being spring still, it was pretty wet but the trail eventually led us to some flowing water down a dropoff. On our walk back to the ski lodge we also spotted a bear, I had it caught on video but somehow ended up deleted.

The town seemed really creepy to me, it was one of those company towns where everything is owned by own group of people. If you dont work for the powerplant, you cant live in the town. If you retire, you have to move out. I may have thought it was creepy because i had read a book just l ike this situation called "Nothing to Lose". They were performing some secret governmental activity where they melted down the tanks that were brought back from iraq and taking the Uranium to mechanic a giant bomb. I could easily see something like this happening in Churchill Falls.

A little run down at my last month in Katimavik.

Wednesday May 27. I work for 2 more days this week. Go home on Sunday from billeting
Monday June 1 - Friday June 5. I am house manager with phil.
Monday June 8 - Friday June 12. Climate change modual at work
Monday June 15 - Friday June 19. Last week of work, retreat at a christian camp.
Debriefing starts on Sunday and we head home Wednesday!
Not much time left at all.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

crazy shit

WOW something pretty crazy happened last night.

When i got home from work Val came up to me and let me know that there is a guy who is travelling from Quebec and got lost on his way to St Johns and he needs a place to stay. When i got home he was in the shower. I figured he would probably sleep in our room because we have extra beds, so I made sure I didnt have any valuables laying around.
Anyways this guy had a shower, started to do his laundry and then joined us for supper.
Just after supper, 2 guys about the age of 25 maybe younger knocked on our door asking for a tall french guy. So Kailyn called 'Steve!' but the other guys said 'no no its joe!'. So he goes to the truck with these guys and we thought that was pretty strange.
Throughout the evening he was telling us different names, he told me STEVEN and he told Felixe his name was Joseph!
So we are tripping out, dont know whats goin on. Anyways these guys come back and when they get inside, the 2 guys are yelling at "Steven" saying 'Give me my fuckin laptop back', as well as alot of other cursing etc.

I guess this guy had stayed in their house the night before and when he left the next day, he stole his laptop, an ipod, and a bunch of their clothes. Who knows what else he stole.
It will make it hard to trust hitchhikers from now on. Even though I thought tourists would be fairly nice.